Legal Information

List of prohibited products and services

Last update:

  • 3rd party aggregation
  • Adult contents merchants
  • Any goods, products, services, or distributions prohibited by any applicable law or under the card schemes’ requirements
  • Any illegal internet content
  • Cannabis seeds
  • CFD trading, binary or digital options
  • Child abuse imagery or anything that suggests child pornography, including any website that uses the following terminology to market their product: “Lolita”, “Paedo”, “Preteen”, etc
  • Collection agencies
  • Counterfeit products or replicas
  • Credit repair companies
  • Cryptocurrency merchants
  • Cyber lockers or files sharing or storage for pictures, movies, etc. where IP can be breached or child abuse imagery can be distributed
  • Dating services
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Essays and dissertations
  • ESTA, immigration or visa passport apps
  • Extended warranties
  • Fake prestige or credentials, fake academic papers, etc
  • Gambling
  • Game boosters
  • Get rich schemes
  • Government IDs, documents, or uniforms
  • Government loans
  • Hacking and cracking materials
  • HCG weight loss products
  • High-value dealers (other than diamonds or precious metals dealers)
  • Illegal substances and products (e.g. drugs, human organs, weapons)
  • Jailbreaker equipment or software (cable descramblers and copyright unlocking devices or technologies, modification chips, HD and Blu-ray Disc description devices, cell phone jammers)
  • Loan modification
  • Medical consultation
  • Medicinal marijuana
  • Merchants involved with bestiality or anything that suggests bestiality
  • Merchants involved with rape, hate, violence, incest, or anything that suggests rape, hate, violence, or incest
  • Monetization based on free offered services (will most likely be in violation of ULA)
  • Outbound telemarketing
  • Payday lenders
  • Penny auctions
  • Precious metals or materials
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Pyrotechnic devices and hazardous materials
  • Services, that can be retrieved for free
  • Social media services (followers and likes sellers)
  • Stamps and coins
  • Telemarketing companies involved with chain letters
  • Ticket brokers
  • Timeshare
  • Tobacco & electronic cigarettes
  • Unauthorized copyright media or software
  • Unlicensed lawyers or legal services